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Suicide and attempted suicide
Factsheet for parents and teachers
Nearly everyone has times when they feel sad and lonely. Sometimes, it can feel as if no one really likes us, that we are a failure, that we just upset people and that no one would care if we were dead. We may feel angry but unable to say so, or feel hopeless about... read more
Stop it now!
Social Bullying is the use of social manipulation to hurt peers or sabotage their social standing. It can be in variours forms: verbal, cyber, physical, sexual or racial... read more
The Value of a friend
A poem
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.... read more
Steps to Inner Peace
The human person and the human spirit.
Five Keys to Spiritual Wellbeing: Body, Will, Mind, Spirit and Emotions ... read more
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